
Public Tickets

steenrnielsen Save all cssClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 24, 2022 at 8:05pm   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,I’ll pass it to our devs and see if they’ll add it to the roadmap.Have a nice day! Kohler Yellow Pencil "Extended" LicenseClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 24, 2022 at 8:03pm   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hi,Unfortunately not. Envato licensing works in a way where Extended license allows you to sell websites with our software. But license is still available for one website.You can deactivate license an ... PetraJBlackmore Licence transferClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 21, 2022 at 10:29am   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Awesome, have a nice day! Retheesh Yellow Pencil Css edits not showing on mobileClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 21, 2022 at 8:09am   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Definitely strange! I think there’s some wonky data hung up in your browser. Can you try clearing the browser's cache memory then reopen the page? If it’s still a no-go after that, can you t ... Robbert Converting elementor pages into yellow pencilClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 17, 2022 at 6:29pm   6 Most recent comment from David P.:Yes. Exactly. Neil Pre-salesClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 11, 2022 at 7:42am   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,What you're trying to achieve isn't doable with CSS only. It requires JavaScript to add some logic and our plugin handles CSS only. So you can't achieve that with only our plu ... Ian Thompson Footer RevealClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated July 1, 2022 at 7:36am   4 Most recent comment from David P.:You could set use our plugin and use responsive tool and then use it to add the height? concoa Cleaning the filesClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated June 29, 2022 at 8:32am   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,So, that's tricky if class is changing. What's the page URL? I'll see if I can come up with permanent solution. John Activating Pro LicenseClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated June 22, 2022 at 8:40am   3 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,Here's how you can do it - https://yellowpencil.waspthemes.com/docs/activate-license/ solchrom The paid versionClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated June 18, 2022 at 2:36pm   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,We allow saving in free version but we don’t offer all tools inside of free version. Meaning you can’t save in free if you have used some pro version tool. And you can use one website u ... Oleg Buylov Support H5PClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated May 15, 2022 at 4:41pm   4 Most recent comment from David P.:Got it. Yeah, iframes are something no CSS can edit so it’s not something we can build unfortunately. Sorry about that! zezimaster YellowPencil not showing up on existing pages?Closed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated May 9, 2022 at 12:14pm   3 Most recent comment from David P.:Awesome! Have a nice day and let us know if you have more questions! verrmaja Missing thumbnail images in 480px screen or smallerClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated April 23, 2022 at 1:15pm   5 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there, you have opened to identical tickets. I’ll be closing this one as we have more info in the other one Henri Piper Pausing On-Screen Animations until page loadClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated April 23, 2022 at 1:14pm   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,Here’s a guide on how to achieve that - https://dev.to/selbekk/how-to-fade-in-content-as-it-scrolls-into-view-10j4 Luca Text Above ImageClosed   YellowPencil - Visual CSS Editor   Updated April 23, 2022 at 1:11pm   2 Most recent comment from David P.:Hey there,You can select the image and have change its position around.