  Public Ticket #1078597
Hover CSS Does not work


  •  2
    Troy Thomas started the conversation

    When trying to change the hover state of WooCommerce and many other buttons your code produces CSS like this:

    body.yp-selector-hover .wc-proceed-to-checkout .checkout-button{
    color:#fff !important;

    and fails to produce the desired result.

    If i change it to:

    body.yp-selector-hover .wc-proceed-to-checkout .checkout-button:hover{
    color:#fff !important;

    it works fine.

    It would seem your use of "body.yp-selector-hover" simply fails to apply hover css or the :hover fails to be added to the selector path.

  •  127
    Zafer replied


    Thank you for your purchase!

    Yellow Pencil is using a different CSS hover system. Please take a look at this section for learning how it works.

    Best Regards