  Public Ticket #1084264
Cant select hidden fields


  •  2
    Artan started the conversation


    I really like yellow pencil. But i have a proble. When Im locked in, in my WordPress admin area the comment fields name/email/url are hidden. so i cant select them with the marker. i really dont have a solution for that. how can i make these fields visible to edit them with the plugin?

    Thanks for your support!



  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There,

    I glad you like it! Thank you!

    This not possible to select hidden elements with Element inspector, Please try to search an element by CSS selector. Take a look to this page for getting more information.

    Press F Key and try this selector to selecting all hidden fields; input[type=hidden]

    I hope thats help,

    Best Regards

  •  2
    Artan replied


    thanks for your answer. Doenst really help because I want to edit them while I can see the fields. I think I have to find another solution to show them and then edit them with Yellow Pencil. But still, thank you. Perhaps thats a cool feature for the plugin in the future; show hidden elements in one click. Still, one really great plugin!

    Have a nice day.


  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There,

    Thank you for your feedback! I glad you like it

    the hidden field is not shown to a user. You can make visible all hidden elements but hidden typed inputs cannot be visible.

    Yes, I will add a TreeView which shows hidden and visible elements in a list!

    Best Regards