  Public Ticket #1159804
Fix problems


  • leandrosimon started the conversation

    Hi, im the owner of http://economizem.com.br

    i'm using Wordpress Glamo theme. I edited entire site using Google Chrome.

    My site is working fine with that plugin, as you can see, with Quick View working and the things that I edited with Yellow Pencil, like size, positioning, in their places.
    If you acess my page using, for example, Mozilla, Quick View doesnt work and some icons and things are not in their places.

    May you guys help me? Telling me if it could be some issue relationed with ur plugin, and giving me tips to solve that.


  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There,

    First, thank you for your purchase!

    I did check your website on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, I didn't see any difference between two browsers, Yellow Pencil is generating just cross-browser CSS codes. I'm sure this problem about browser cache, I recommend you to clear browser cache and check it again.

    I hope that's help,

    Best Regards