  Public Ticket #1166525
CSS comments


  • Will started the conversation

    Your plugin is fantastic in all regards except that, unless I'm missing something, I can't add comments to the editor. I tend to heavily customize my sites and | write my own CSS. The advantage for me with Yellow Pencil is targeting DOM elements much more easily than with the browser Inspector, plus the front-end code window, but without being able to add comments to my code it gets pretty tough after a while to keep track of what it's all doing.

    Is there a way to add comments?

  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There!

    I'm sorry. The current version doesn't support CSS comments.

    The plugin organization CSS styles for the best experience, and it deleting CSS comments because of reordering CSS groups as the best.

    I will fix this problem and add CSS comment support in future updates!

    Thank you for your patience!

    Best Regards