  Public Ticket #1249954
Why can't I change scale, position, or margins on an image container?


  • danielklein started the conversation

    UPDATED: SOLVED. I think I just went with a different layout altogether.

    Why can't I change scale, position, or margins on an image container? I want to move the thumbnails to the left and have all of the post headers lined up to the right of the thumbnail. The selection goes gray and theres what looks like a white link icon over it. Thanks!

    Webpage is www.coffeehouseblog.com - your related URL field keeps saying its not a valid url.

  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There,

    First, thank you for your purchase!

    I see you only select the overlay element on the image, you must select the image element to edit.

    Please follow these steps to select the image element:

    1. press f key after selecting the image overlay element
    2. press space key, type "img"
    3. and press enter key. Okay, now you can edit the image as you want.

    I hope that's help,

    Best Regards