  Public Ticket #1264377
Submit Button Position


  • dansmithvl started the conversation


    I can move the submit button to the centre of the form but I want it to be central on all devices.

    The only way I can see how to do it is to use the responsive tool on different screen sizes and then to save each time I make a change.

    That's a lot of saves! and doesn't look that good on all screens ie slightly off centre depending on screen size.

    Is there an easier way to fix this ie just once to look good on all screens?



    I have attached a couple of images.

  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There,

    First, thank you for your purchase!

    You should use percentage instead of the pixel to keep the element in the center on all devices or you can set auto value to margin left and margin right properties.

    Please  follow these steps;

    1. Select the element that you want to move
    2. Right Panel > Position
    3. set 50% value to the left property.
    4. save changes.

    It still not work? okay. Follow these steps;

    1. Select the element that you want to move
    2. Go right panel > Margin
    3. set auto value to margin left and margin right property
    4. and save changes.

    I hope that's help,

    Best Regards