  Public Ticket #1267842
about bootstrap dropdown element


  • jeffreyzhang started the conversation

    Hello, I am really love your plugin, and using it for styling  my site. but currently, I have two issues which can not be resolved. 

    1st, login and forget password, reset password, because when I logged-in, those two pages will not be shown, if logged out, yellow pencil will not work.

    2nd, bootstrap dropdown can not be edited, because of under editing model, trigger can not be expandfgffghgf

  •   jeffreyzhang replied privately
  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey There,

    First, thank you for your purchase!

    1. You must use "Visitor view" mode, please open the editor and click your avatar in the right-bottom corner of the right panel to show "sing in" option on your website.

    2. Please mouseover the element that you want to select and press space key. Check element inspector section in the plugin documentation for more information

    3. You must be careful while editing the elements. I think you must use Responsive Tool to fix the problem on the mobile device. I will recommend you to reset the header element if you can't fix this problem.

    I hope that's help,

    Best Regards