  Public Ticket #1748793
Background styling


  • Charles Dewey started the conversation


    I'm after a dual background with a vignette colour running right across and then a fluffy toy image on the bottom left. 

    Could you please help me as to how I can achieve this?

    Many thanks


  •  435
    David replied

    Hi, you can use this tool to generate CSS gradient


    Once you do, it will generate CSS which you can add in Yellow Pencil. You need to have some basic CSS knowledge I can do that for you. All you have to do is to let me know where you want to add it.

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • Charles Dewey replied

    Hi David - thanks for that however the grad seems to take over the background so I can't put in my image. Its a great idea but it doesn't seem to allow me to put in the image too...

  •  435
    David replied

    Oh. That's right you can't put it in image. You should use Photoshop or GIMP or some online tool in order to add it in image. 

    Best regards!

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!