  Public Ticket #1782410
Gutenberg compatibility


  • Alfred started the conversation

    I am a happy user of Yellow Pencil, most pages in my site have minor modifications done using Yellow Pencil, -image positions, font size, etc.- I am concerned about the effect that "Gutenberg" will have.


  •  435
    David replied


    You should be good to go when you add Gutenberg. But if you have used some page builder and now are switching to Gutenberg that means you will have to modify something since page builders have their classes which will be lost. But you can activate Gutenberg and see how the things will go, that would be the best test.

    Best regards!

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • Alfred replied

    Thank you, for your prompt response, David.