  Public Ticket #1854484
YP Header image delay in loading


  • Carl12321 started the conversation

    I am using YP on WP Dynamic Twenty Seventeen, a child theme of Twenty Seventeen. I use an Apple MacBook. Things may behave differently on a PC.

    I have been having an issue with the YP header image on the pages loading too slowly and not covering up the original header image fast enough. This delay in loading is on all of the pages (except the home page which uses only the original header image and does not have a YP header image overlay). 

    On each page, I have used YP to create a different background picture that masks the header image. This way each page has a different header image. The original home header image is covered. When the pages load, the background image is slower to appear than the original header image, so that the original header image shows/flashes momentarily before the YP overlayed image appears.

    I don't know if anything can be done about this. The delay happens longer, is more noticeable when a page is opened for the first time. The second time the page is opened their is usually no delay. 

    Thank you for any assistance and input you may provide.

    Carl Vigilante

  •  435
    David replied


    I have seen your issue and you're right. But, this is not YP issue. Let me explain.

    You are placing image over image. So you're loading two images then. First image is loaded from theme style.css, and another from YP .css file. So there is an order how images load and that's where problem is.

    My only solution on this one is to remove YP images, and replace header images within page settings. If I'm not wrong you should have either featured image or some meta box to replace that image. If you don't have that setting for each page then the best way would be to remove that image globally and then only apply YP image. 

    Have a great day!

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • Carl12321 replied


    That makes sense. Thank you for the explanation.


  •  435
    David replied

    Thank you for using Yellow Pencil!

    If you are satisfied with the plugin and the support you're receiving, please rate the theme: https://codecanyon.net/downloads It will help us improve - and we absolutely love feedback!

    Thank you and have a good one! David

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!