  Public Ticket #2672237
Not activate Pro version in bedrock


  • Vadim Mishkhozhev started the conversation

    Hello, I'm developing a website for a client. We use bedrock for developing, then trying activated plugin pro version, get error message and plugin not activated.

    Error message:

    Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.

    This message was triggered by Core.

    Call stack:

    1. wp_die() wp-admin/includes/menu.php:350
    Query Monitor
  •  435
    David replied

    Hi there,

    can you try and reinstall the plugin and see if that helps?

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • Vadim Mishkhozhev replied

    Thx, since we use a composer for installation, the archive for installation was incorrectly named, it was yellow-pencil-visual-css-style-editor and should be called waspthemes-yellow-pencil

  •  435
    David replied

    Awesome, that's great to hear!

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!