  Public Ticket #2795271
Edit temporary elements


  • Arman started the conversation


    The yellow pencil plugin is very good and it actually works most of the time, but there is a problem somewhere;
    When we want to edit an element that appears for a moment or appears by clicking the mouse in an instant, we can not select it because disappears quickly or the mouse itself is involved in something else, even the space key does not help and sometimes I do not know the name of the class or the ID of that element, so searching does not help.
    Is there a way, for example, to stop the page, and then we can edit that element or something like that?

  •  435
    David replied


    Can you send me the URL and explain what element are you trying to edit so I can get the idea of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • Arman replied

    For example, when you move in the tabs of this page, the given CSS changes will return to their original state for a moment, and then it will be loaded again, which can not be selected quickly.
    Of course, this was just an example, not the main problem.

  •  435
    David replied

    Hm, I’m not sure if I understood. Can you record a video perhaps?

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!