  Public Ticket #3080740


  • Neil started the conversation

    A theme allows me to create a custom post. In that custom post I can have a custom field.

    Indeed I could use any theme and create a custom post type and fields within it.

    An example would be a personal profile where the field is: Intelligence

    The radio field for intelligence contains

    Very Important
    Not Important

    Priority 1:

    Depending on the response for example Dealbreaker I would like to highlight with a green background and white text, whereas Not Important I want a red background with white text. 

    How can I achieve this with Yellow Pencil please?

    I don't think I can change classes or id's can I of a response depending on the displayed output and then define css for that class?

    What ideas would you have please?

    This alone is enough to purchase if you can help me - thank you

    Priority 2:

    Is to sort them by response - group each response together because I will be asking a number of other character traits for a job portal.

    Any ideas you can give me on the second priority would be appreciated.

    How might I achieve this without changing code within the theme.

    I can add javascript via a plugin or the child theme

    Thank you.

  •  435
    David replied

    Hey there,

    What you're trying to achieve isn't doable with CSS only. It requires JavaScript to add some logic and our plugin handles CSS only. So you can't achieve that with only our plugin.

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!