  Public Ticket #3099063
Gradient generator


  • obuylov started the conversation

    Hi all,

    I don't really understand why there is practically no gradient editor in Yellow pencil. You can only choose one of the preset gradients (I can't even specify my own color, and gradients are only linear, not radial). Why can't you make a full-fledged gradient editor, like in the CSS Hero? Due to the lack of this function, I can not use the Yellow Pencil.

    Attached files:  07.08.2022 10.19.21.png

  •  435
    David replied

    Hey there,

    Sorry about that. You are right. I am going to pass your note to our dev team and have them put that feature on roadmap as priority.

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  •  435
    David replied

    My mistake. There's tool built in for gradientssmile.png.


    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • obuylov replied

    Hi Dadid,

    Yes, I know about this tool. But it is not complete: you can only select pre-installed options (from the site uiGradients), but you cannot customize your own. It is very strange.

  •  435
    David replied

    Actually, you can. You can double-click the color pointer and you'll see color picker.


    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!

  • obuylov replied

    Thanks for the advice.

    But, how to put a radial gradient (not linear) and change the position (upper left, lower right, etc.)?

    I am attaching a screenshot of the settings from CSS Hero.

    Attached files:  09.08.2022 12.27.36.png

  •  435
    David replied

    Unfortunately it doesn’t have that feature. But we’ll add it to the roadmapsmile.png

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!