  Public Ticket #3333970
Version confusion


  • Martin Seidl started the conversation

    Hi Team, we use your pro Version along with a bundle of a theme from envato market. Now yellow pencil plugin created an error in dashboard and also frontend display was not working. Once activating the basic plugin again,  site does not work any more. What wonders me, is that the pro Version is 7.2.8 and the basic version is 7.5.8.. Maybe this creates troubles. How can I update pro version or is the 7.2.8 pro the current version? We want to use it again but now we cantbecause it delivers error on safari browser and  dashboard is not working.

    Attached files:  yellow.PNG

  •  435
    David replied

    Hey there,

    Please ask theme developers to update the plugin within their theme package and then you’ll receive an update. Or you can all them to send you the latest version.

    Best regards,
    WaspThemes team

    And don't forget to rate our plugin, it means a lot to us!