  Public Ticket #3597656
Dynamic Tags limited


  •  1
    lim_rommel started the conversation

    Hello, I do not understand why the database icon that contains all the dynamic tags in theme building is missing. I only have the site and user sets of dynamic tags. 

  •  128
    Zafer replied

    Hello Rommel,

    To add a dynamic variable, click on the purple icon in the top left corner of the input field.smile.png

    To retrieve post data and the like, first use query and loop. Then, you can access more dynamic data within the loop.

    Best regards

  •  1
    lim_rommel replied

    Thanks, that solved my concern. However I am facing another issue. I have trouble disabling the frontpage template. Could you guide me pls. I want to assign a Gutenberg-made page using Kraft's "single page template" as my front page, how is this done?

    Could you provide the option to delete the frontpage and index templates in the Templates? Or could you make all templates delete-able and optional depending on the needs and choice making it flexible for the user?

  •  128
    Zafer replied


    I understand what you mean; you cannot make a special page the homepage because the front page becomes the homepage. In the upcoming update, I will make this template delectable.

    After the update, you will need to delete the front page and follow these steps:

    • Create a single-page template.
    • Add your header, and footer if you need them.
    • Add a section between the header and the footer.
    • In the section settings, set to use query. Select "Default query" as the query source.
    • Set to use loop.
    • Add a text block inside the section and use the post-content dynamic variable.
    • Save the changes.
    • After completing these steps, select a page created with Gutenberg as the homepage in the WordPress settings.

    But first, I need to make the front page deletable. I will release the update soon. Please stay tuned.

    Best regards

  •  1
    lim_rommel replied

    Thank you for considering my request. 

  •  1
    lim_rommel replied

    Additional question, how can I make the menu component reflect the pages from my pages? How do I connect the menu component to my real-time post and pages in wordpress?

  •  1
    lim_rommel replied

    I mean how do I synchronize my pages to the menu component in kraft?

  •  128
    Zafer replied

    Hello Rommel,

    You can use Query & Loop to fetch menu items or pages.

    Please follow the steps below:

    • Add a List element and turn on Query and Loop in the settings.
    • In the query settings, choose "page" as the type.
    • Inside the list, add a text link element.
    • Use the page title for the content and the page link for the URL.

    You can use this list in the dropdown content of your current menu component.

    Best regards