  Public Ticket #986757
Mobile viewing not working properly


  •  2
    Pedro das Neves started the conversation

    Hi there,

    after doing most of the work on the website I went on to try mobile version and notice that there is a conflict when  Yellow pencil plugin is installed. If Yellow pencil is installed the mobile version will not adjust the screen to the phone screen. I deactivated all plugins and reactivated one by one and found out that Yellow pencil is the only one causing the problem.

    How can I fix this?



  •  127
    Zafer replied

    Hey Pedro,

    Yellow Pencil is a style editor which help you to edit your website visually. May you must be careful while editing the sizes and position on your site. You must test your site with Responsive Tool before saving changes.

    I recommend you to read all plugin documentation for use the plugin ideally.

    I'm hope thats help,

    Best Regards